Measurement and Data Processing


Significant figures and uncertainties

Moles and stoichiometry

Empirical Formulas

Uncertainty and Experimental Error

N.B. Uncertainty (%) is closely linked to precision while experimental error (%) is connected with accuracy. Unknown errors come in two flavours: systematic and random - only random errors will be reduced by repeating your measurements many times. *Perhaps surprisingly, repeating a measurement DOES NOT reduce apparatus uncertainty, but it could help to define it, if it is not known. So the average of five volume measurements with a burette whose uncertainty is  +/- 0.05 mL will NOT divide that uncertainty by remains +/-0.05 mL

Limiting reagent & Yields


Index of hydrogen defic*iency (IHD)*

Infrared spectroscopy*

  • A nice site which explains details that may be useful for an investigation

1H n.m.r. Spectroscopy*

X-ray Diffraction*